Marco Maria Gazzano

On 7 June 2022, on tiptoe, discreetly and without disturbing – as was his custom – our dear Marco Maria Gazzano passed away, victim of the consequences of an illness that had struck him several months ago.

With him goes a piece of the history of the Italian audiovisual world, especially of video art, which had found in him one of its greatest connoisseurs and experts, and a piece of the history of Eurovisioni, which he had been working with as a member of the Steering Committee since its foundation in 1987.

Until his illness struck, he was an associate professor of film, photography and television at the University of Roma Tre, where he was also head of the master’s degree course in the subject.

A pupil of Aristarco and Tranfaglia, he was a personal friend of many world-famous video artists whom he had invited to Italy for exhibitions and seminars or whose exhibitions and retrospectives he had curated (the Vasulkas, Nam June Paik, Gianni Toti and many others). 

In 2012, he collected his aesthetic theories in the volume Kinēma. Cinema on the Tracks of Cinema: From Film to Electronic Arts, Round Trip (Exorma Editions) 

For Eurovisioni he was in charge of relations with archives and educational initiatives in collaboration with other Italian universities and, in the past, with foreign universities such as the Sorbonne, Complutense and others around Europe. For University of Roma Tre, he was in charge of twinning with several foreign universities and had overseen several European projects. For Eutelsat, between 1999 and 2002, he had edited the programming for the experimental channel Ars TV Premium.

Our friends at Eurovisioni send their affectionate thoughts to his wife.