EUROVISIONI – Cultural Association President: Michel Boyon Steering Committee: Sam Stourdzé Académie de France à Rome – Luciana Castellina Eurovisioni – Bernard Miyet Eurovisioni – Michel Azibert Eutelsat – Stefano Rolando IULM – Krzysztof Zanussi Film Studio TOR – * UER Honorary Member Giuliano Berretta Secretary General: Giacomo Mazzone Members 2021: (*) Accademia d’Ungheria – Romano Fattorossi AIACE-INVIDEO –(*) ANICA...
Read MoreEurovisioni has been recognized also in 2014 as an event of the Italian Semester of Presidency of the European Union, as already happened for the last three Italian Presidencies (1990-2003-2014) that took place in the second semester of the year. Furthermore it actively contributed by means of its own initiatives to the Italian Presidency in 1996 (first semester), as well as to the Presidency of France (2000 and 2008), Finland (2006),...
Read MoreThe issues addressed each year are chosen among those of greatest interest (the launch of digital TV in Europe, , the advent of DBS satellites in the year of their launch, the reform of copyright laws at European level, in the year where an European Union directive on the subject was issued) enabling Eurovisioni to promote the interaction and mutual understanding of the three leading groups in the audiovisual sector: operators (those...
Read MoreA basic contribution is given to EUROVISIONI by institutions such as the General Directorate for Cinema of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Department of Latium region. On the base of the themes addressed, different institutions and private companies cooperate in the festival organisation, year by year. The success of the past editions of the Festival were possible thanks to the active support and contributions of a...
Read MoreNew members joint, every year, the Eurovisioni Board of Directors, on the base of the themes highlighted in the current edition. These new members suggest the most topical issues and the best experts to address them. A great number of institutions take part into the Board of Directors (European Union and national institution representatives) along with public and private television channels (ARD, EBU; France Télévision, ZDF, Rai),...
Read MoreEUROVISIONI was born on the initiative of a group of European audiovisual professionals. It is currently supported by the cultural association of the same name, whose president is Michel Boyon, French CSA’s former president. The Presidency Committee includes, among others, Krzysztof Zanussi, film director; Stefano Rolando, IULM; Bernard Miyet; Sam Stourdzé, Director of the French Academy in Rome; Michel Azibert, deputy...
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